
Matcha Oasisでは、中間業者や卸売業者を介さず、静岡の茶農家から直接抹茶を輸入しています。

モザイク、テキスト付き画像、スライドショーのセクション、さらにはリッチ テキスト セクション自体で画像を表示するための十分なスペースが備わっています。

あなたのビジネス: 知っておくべき 4 つのヒント。

1. Matcha Will Remain Popular
for the Next 10 Years and Beyond.

It will remain in high demand due to its outstanding health benefits and delightful taste. It will be maintaining its momentum in popularity. Matcha’s demand and prices reached record high in 2024 and it is expected to climb even further in 2025. It’s export and import has significantly increased in recent years.
Among various types of Japanese tea,
matcha holds a unique position in the tea leading market of export from Japan.

2. 抹茶は今日の


We not only provide high-quality matcha but also share traditional knowledge passed down from a 13th-generation tea farmer.

We strive to cultivate lasting relationships to bring happiness to your customers and your needs.

Sing up and provide us with your details below for a Matcha Oasis tea demonstration.